31 July 2013

Iftar Bersama Kami Blogger Utagha (KBU)

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera

Alhamdulilah sabtu lepas berkesempatan ikut serta majlis iftar bersama Kami Blogger Utagha (KBU), bertempat di restoran tepi sungai, alor setar kedah. sebenarnya dah lama KBU tak anjurkan gath. mungkin atas faktor admin yang sorang travel ganu-sitiawan-kl, sorang lagi kat KL yang tengah bizi uruskan persiapan walimah, sorang kat kedah yang tengah rancak membaking, sorang yang dimurahkan rezeki bukak kedai taun nie, dan sorang lagi yang tengah memboyot membawak perot. nak mencari masa yang sesuai tue memang payah, memasing ada komitmen sendiri. takpe la kan. tak dapat selalu macam sebelum nie at least dalam setahun tue ada sekali kira ok la tue :P

saya dengan suami sementara ada masa terluang dan takde terikat dengan aktiviti family untuk tarikh tue, ambik la peluang turun alor setar beriftar dengan diorang. bila free je boleh la lelaju join, tapi kalau dah terhalang dengan aktiviti keluarga tak dapat la nak membantu.

antara yang hadir, saya dengan suami belum sampai lagi waktu nie. bukan terlewat dari penang tapi sebab singgah tesco beli barang dulu. hihihi. ampunnnnn :p 

sebelum iftar kak shida ada bagitau nak bawak kek karamel pelangi. nasib Oshin tak makan kek, dapat la merasa saya. kalau tidak sungguh saya pegi potong orang lain punya sorang sikit kek tue. depa dah bahagi awal-awal sebelum kami datang. sampai hati tau tak taruh kat kita sikit!!! :p Kak Shida memang dah biasa ambik tempahan kek, banyak jenis lagi kek dia. kalau nak oder sila pm di sini.

bila tengok gambar nie mesti tergelak. agaknya memasing dah MATANG kot kan. posing gambar pun tegak semacam je. macam nyanyi nasyid kata kak shida. kalau tidak gath sebelum-sebelum nie gambar macam-macam pesen ada. 

ramai yang nak balik awal lepas je solat maghrib dan sesi bergambar tue. saya dengan suami memang nak stay kat alor setar memandangkan ahad besoknya hari saya berkerja. pelan awal kami suami isteri memang nak makan kat beger bakar abg burn cawangan alor setar. elok Solihin pun join iftar terus tanya dia kat mana lokasi yang sebenarnya. dia pun nak lepak makan situ katanya. terus la kami pun decide nak melepak sekali. 

mulanya kak shida takmau join tapi lepas kena cucuk-cucuk akhirnya dia pun tersangkut. yang bestnya kawasan beger bakar tue black out =.= tapi masih lagi beroperasi dengan lilin yang menerangi. tapi cuma dapat oder beger bakar biasa dan meatball jela. takpe la janji dapat makan meatball memang tingin dah lama huuu. oh ye air yang boleh dipesan cuma 3 jenis sebab gelap diorang tak nampak nak bancuh air lain. ok la tue dari air kosong je ye tak? :p

walaupun bergelap tapi rasanya itu antara kenangan terindah kami semua yang hadir malam tue. paling tak boleh lupa bila kertas lapik meatball terbakar disambar api lilin. jenuh keras perot gelak kat situ. insyaAllah ada masa, ada rezeki lagi kita akan berjumpa lagi. insyaAllah :)

terima kasih pada semua yang sudi hadir. 




  2. teringin nk p hr tu tp big bos x hrp drive jauh2 sensorang T_T

  3. Ni baru betul candle light dinner :)

  4. teringin nk p tapi apa kn daya ~

  5. sesekali gath romatin lak yer ... heheheee . nasib baik masih boleh nampak burger ...

  6. Meriahnya sis..
    sesekali berjumpa kemesraan tu lebih terpancar kan...:)

  7. rasa rugi xdpt join masa ampa call kat kdai burger tu....

    nset abeh bateri plak

  8. Seronok bila dapat bergather2 dengan teman bloggerkan Kiera.... dapat pulak somi yg sporting ok ajelah

  9. meriah dan pasti x dpt nak lupa kenangan kat bger bakar tu...hehehe

  10. sempat lagi iftar dalam keadaan tunggu nak due tu kan? memang aku pun rase pelik bile tengok nape snap gambar skema sangat ni?

  11. alaa...org xdan langsung nk amek gambaq~mmg tlupa tros..pi sna pon rush sgt pas iftar ngn geng opis asben..rush sgt sbb nk gak jmp kengkawan kbu..tp 10mnt je pon dan jumpa..s0b3

  12. Benefits of Magnetic Power Generator

    All around the world shortage of power is a type of problem and that's why everyone is
    searching for some reliable and cheap electrical source.
    Many folks are using magnetic generators along with the reason behind
    this is that they get several advantages through them.

    This generator is incredibly an easy task to install in your house in the limited place without disturbing the first settings of your house.
    All you need is a bit spare space to setup this.
    This will help you to relieve your normal power bill.
    You can use this as an energy supplier for some with the times
    which means you don't need to switch back to your old methods for
    power consumption. As soon as you start employing this supply of
    energy in your own home you will notice an evident saving within your income.

    It doesn't produce any harmful gases that will damage environment.

    In this generator, magnets will generate energy which is usable in any condition. The cost of possessing this power generator is not high in any way.
    It is the cheapest source of power generation nowadays in this era of technology.
    The main thing within this generator is a magnet which works
    plus a small wheel.

    As you already know that it is without charge and there is
    no third party associated with installing this generator, so that
    you won't need any maintenance from some expert.
    You can maintain it yourself by cleaning it at regular intervals.
    This is the perfect thing to place in your house as being a
    electric source. It can hold the energy sufficient to address all of the appliances from the house.
    A family of four years old to six is extremely perfect for such a energy generation device.

    No harmful rays and no complex electric motors may take place here which means you shouldn't concern yourself with the protection of your family and friends.
    Unlike other free electric generation devices, this doesn't need any
    solar energy or wind. It will work on its own with no source of external natural energy.
    Weather won't affect the performance or generation of your energy using this magnetic generator.
    As it doesn't rely on any external source which means this could be an uninterrupted supply of power generation.

    Check more info on site : http://hyperurl.co/zuz2o2


Terima kasih kerana sudi membaca dan mengomen :D